15 Interesting Star Wars Facts

DrHollie posted this interesting list of 15 Star Wars related facts about the original trilogy and the prequels. Now I know many of you hardcore Star Wars fans will already know most of these, but hopefully you’ll learn something new in this list:

15 Interesting Star Wars Facts
15 Interesting Star Wars Facts
15 Interesting Star Wars Facts
15 Interesting Star Wars Facts
15 Interesting Star Wars Facts

15 Interesting Star Wars Facts
15 Interesting Star Wars Facts
15 Interesting Star Wars Facts
15 Interesting Star Wars Facts
15 Interesting Star Wars Facts

Soucre: DrHollie

So did you already know all these Star Wars facts? Got any other neat facts to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “15 Interesting Star Wars Facts

  1. I heard they had trouble getting the actors to stop saying, “Pew pew pew!” in the newer movies. (The only one I remember specifically being guilty of this was Laura Dern, but I know she wasn’t alone!)

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