It’s OK For Bisexual Women To Be Attracted To Men

Bisexual women should not be ashamed for being attracted to or for dating men. You can still queer and proud even if you’re in an opposite-gender relationship. Also stop making shitty jokes at your partner’s expense. This goes for all sexualities, the “old ball and chain” routine is boomer shit and it’s time to let it go. Love and support your partner, no matter what genders you are. Don’t be misandrist, don’t be biphobic, just don’t be shitty. Anyway this post sums it up better than I can:

OK For Bisexual Women To Be Attracted To Men

OK For Bisexual Women To Be Attracted To Men
OK For Bisexual Women To Be Attracted To Men

OK For Bisexual Women To Be Attracted To Men
OK For Bisexual Women To Be Attracted To Men

(via: Nightman-core)

(This site is LGBTQ+ friendly and we will not tolerate any bigotry or hate speech in the comments below.)

3 thoughts on “It’s OK For Bisexual Women To Be Attracted To Men

  1. I agree so much! The stereotype is a bisexual woman just sleeping with everything that moves, and being unhappy with one partner (especially if it’s a man) is such a dumbassery and I would like to punch in the throat whoever created that stereotype. Are there bisexual people like that? Sure, most probably there are. Same for heterosexual people who cheat on their partners or are monogamous but just for one gender.
    I always wanted to have one partner for life and it didn’t matter if it is a man or a woman. Just someone who cherishes and loves me as much as I do. I am also against romantic or sexual situations with anyone else while I am in relations.
    For some people there is a need to experiment to find out what they need and hell, if a person needs that- they should do that and not be judged. But also being honest to themselves and their partner about it, to understand if they are on the same page.
    Nobody should feel invalid for not being the stereotype! The best thing anyone can do is being happy with whoever they want and themselves!

  2. Most (maybe all, I haven’t kept a count) of the bisexual women I’ve known over the years have complained that friends and others in the LGBT+ community/space have tended to be very accepting of them when they are dating women but sometimes anything from distant to openly hostile when they were dating a man. Phrases like “Bowing to the patriarchy” have come up. I presume similar happens to BI men who date a woman. My girlfriend at university, who was BI, said that when a BI person dated an opposite sex person there was often a lot of pressure to force them out of the campus LGBT+ group in the students’ union. Before dating me she had been president of the group, when we started dating she was immediately hit with a no confidence vote.

    It’s probably just a minority but they seem to be having a negative impact on people.

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