Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston

This history student makes quite a compelling argument in this shockingly well thought out Disney‘s Beauty and the Beast PowerPoint presentation, “Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston”. Disclaimer: While this is historically accurate, this is still a funny post and should not be taken seriously, lol. Gaston is a toxic dick and dudes like him should be avoided at all costs. Thanks for coming to this TED talk.

Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston
Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston
Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston
Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston
Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston
Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston

Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston
Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston
Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston
Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston
Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston
Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston

(via: Geek Girls)

What do you think? Who should Belle have chosen; Gaston, Beast or none of the above? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

4 thoughts on “Why Belle Should Have Chosen Gaston

  1. That was dreadful. Technically historically true, but Beauty and the Beast happens in a magical, Disneyfied alternate universe. Fairytales, y’know? By the way, a few facts that were wrong, the beast actually changed and had a wonderful personality, he did sing (and better than Gaston), he was a lot of fun (the snowball fight, the library, the dance etc…) and he was definitely more handsome as a prince. More handsome than Gaston and more handsome than any of the other Disney princes.

    But… other than those few minor details, good presentation! Your historical knowledge is good.

    Oh, and let’s not forget the Scarlet Pimpernel.

  2. Whoever claimed that Belle should have chosen Gaston is a liar. Belle’s right to not choose Gaston because or his overall character.

  3. Wait, Gaston eating all those eggs is a plus, but the Beast having magical feasts every once in a while is a negative? That seems kind of hypocritical.

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