Epic Photos of the Metal Monolith Before It Disappeared

As you’re probably aware by now, a mysterious metal monolith was found in the middle of the Utah dessert. It was accidently discovered in Red Rock Country by a helicopter crew from the Utah Department of Public Safety Aero Bureau. The angular silver pillar, between three and four meters tall, reminded everyone of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Some thought aliens were responsible and others pointed to an anonymous artist. But whoever put it there still remains a mystery.

After the discovery of the metal monolith the coordinates were kept secret, but of course Reddit sleuths didn’t take long to locate it. It then vanished just as mysteriously around a week later. Luckily, photographer Whit Richardson made it there before it’s disappearance to create these epic images. Here’s what he posted on his facebook profile about it:

“I was made aware of the coordinates shortly after they appeared on Reddit. So I immediately packed up my gear and headed out. I figured I only had a small window of opportunity to get some photos before the place was inundated with people. I thought it would make good subject to mix landscape and architectural techniques using some flash to create something unique. Shortly after I got there a popular YouTuber and some of his buddies arrived in his helicopter. A number of BLM (Bureau of Land Management) representatives were also present trying to assess just what to do. It’s obviously man made, it’s pieces of sheet metal riveted together and dropped into a hole cut with a concrete saw. I have mixed feeling about the whole thing, I’ll just leave it at that.”

He is also selling prints of these incredible metal monolith images:

Epic Photos of the Metal Monolith Before It Disappeared
Epic Photos of the Metal Monolith Before It Disappeared
Epic Photos of the Metal Monolith Before It Disappeared

Epic Photos of the Metal Monolith Before It Disappeared
Epic Photos of the Metal Monolith Before It Disappeared
Epic Photos of the Metal Monolith Before It Disappeared

Photographer: Whit RichardsonWebsitePrints

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