Boss Tries to Force Employee to Come In on Day Off

This ridiculous boss sent a text to their employee at 3am trying to force them to come in to work the next day, which was suppose to be their day off. When the employee declines the boss then starts shaming and judging them for what they were doing on their free time. This is so stupid, it sometimes seem like employers have completely forgotten that their workers are human beings. Anyway, if your boss ever tries to pull this on you this is the best way to handle it as far as I’m concerned. And yea, the end result here is exactly what you would expect:

Boss Tries to Force Employee to Come In on Day Off

(via: Djinn Ozera)

7 thoughts on “Boss Tries to Force Employee to Come In on Day Off

    1. I had a similar exchange with a kitchen manager when I worked at that Italian restaurant that “treats you like family.” It was all before cell phones, but I digress. I was called at 1130pm by said manager, telling me that on top of my usual “sauce guy” duties, I would have to cover the prep guy’s job too, because he called in “sick”. 10 minutes later, she called back telling me that on top of covering my “sauce guy” duties, and the “prep guy’s” duties, I would have to cover the salad girls jobs as well.
      When I asked who else would be helping, she said it was just me, but I was given permission to come in at 6am, instead of our usual 7am, so that I could get everything ready for the 11am opening for lunch. I told her she would need to find a “sauce guy,” because I was feeling “the call of the tide from my friend Capt Morgan.”
      She told me if I was not at the restaurant at 6am, I could expect to be taken off the schedule for the next 2 days. I told her to make it forever, because I was not going to make it in.
      All morning my phone was blowing up, so much so, that the answering machine stopped taking messages, because the little tape thingee was full.
      This type of exchange is not uncommon in the food service\hospitality industry.

    2. Hey Scott, do you have proof this didn’t happen? I mean, obviously – and yes I said OBVIOUSLY because I do mean OBVIOUSLY – since YOU’RE making the accusation that this person is lying, it’s YOUR JOB to prove it. Just curious.

    3. Someone getting fed up with a job and saying F-OFF… is BEYOND your level of imagination!? What an amazingly lacking life you have.

  1. I was a closing manager for a BK location. There would be times when I would close one night and re-open the place the very next morning at 5am, since I was there waiting for the first TARC bus that comes around 7am to get home, either because the opening manager was running late or decide not to show up, I’d even called the district manager about it, so she could get someone else to work, so I can get home to get some sleep, since I would have to work later than night. I took as much disrespect from those teenagers that I could take before I quit, after trying to step down. The district manager tried calling me to talk me out of it, but she failed. I haven’t stepped foot in that location since.

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