Batman: The Animated Series Harley Quinn Doing Things People Complain About

People who aren’t familiar with the original Harley Quinn from Batman: The Animated Series often complain about modern Harley doing things that they think she “wouldn’t do”. They are wrong of course, because Harley would obviously do these things. She’s always been this way and that’s why we love her. So here is BTAS Harley Quinn doing things that people complain a lot about modern Harley Quinn doing: a thread:

Batman: The Animated Series Harley Quinn Doing Things People Complain About

Batman: The Animated Series Harley Quinn Doing Things People Complain About


Have you ever seen people complain about Harley doing things? Let us know in the comments below!

1 thought on “Batman: The Animated Series Harley Quinn Doing Things People Complain About

  1. also worth noting that Harley was *invented* by Batman: The Animated Series, the comic book depictions came later after the series ended because the character proved so popular. so the stuff that people have been complaining about has literally been part of the character from the start.

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