Donkey in the Hole Comic

LOL! This took a turn I wasn’t expecting! The Donkey in the Hole story is an inspirational fable that illustrates how we deal with the challenges thrust upon us through life. This is Steak Smoothie‘s sci-fi take on it. This webcomic is about the things that go through Joe Harden’s head, but with pictures.

Donkey in the Hole Comic

Artist: Steak Smoothie

(via: Geek Girls)

Did you get this reference? Let us know in the comments below!

6 thoughts on “Donkey in the Hole Comic

    1. This is the dumbest comment I’ve ever seen. 1) It’s a cartoon and comic, do you want perfect realism?? The animal is clearly a donkey. In what ways does it not look like a donkey? It certainly looks more like a donkey than a cow. You cannot seriously believe that if you were to show that image to 50 random people that any substantial portion of those people would think it was more cow than donkey. 2) How does that detract from your enjoyment of the comic and the eventual punch line? “Oh, this is no longer funny, because I am not exactly sure what that animal is.” Does it matter whether it’s a cow or donkey?? It’s an animal stamping down the dirt and it attracts Shai-Hulud (may his passing cleanse the world). It doesn’t matter what kind of animal it is frankly. 3) Why would you feel the need to leave your comment? Who cares about your insignificant opinion regarding the artistic accuracy of this artist’s work?? Who made you arbiter of donkey/cow likenesses? Just move on. “Besides that, good comic.” As though that really takes away from your enjoyment of the comic. Next time you are going to leave a comment on the internet, do the workd a favor: take a moment, think about what you are going to write, tell yourself no one cares, and punch yourself in the balls hard enough that you remove yourself from the gene pool. Thank you.

      1. came in to see a funny comic about a donkey.
        I got that, plus an absolute murder of a reply. kudos to you

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