Marvel Cinematic Universe Superheroes Zodiac Signs

Jonah aka chat_ensorceler made the zodiac signs as Marvel Cinematic Universe superheroes! They also have a little personality trait horoscopes to go along with them. Is yours accurate?

Marvel Cinematic Universe Superheroes as the Zodiac Signs
Marvel Cinematic Universe Superheroes as the Zodiac Signs
Marvel Cinematic Universe Superheroes as the Zodiac Signs
Marvel Cinematic Universe Superheroes as the Zodiac Signs

Marvel Cinematic Universe Superheroes as the Zodiac Signs
Marvel Cinematic Universe Superheroes as the Zodiac Signs
Marvel Cinematic Universe Superheroes as the Zodiac Signs
Marvel Cinematic Universe Superheroes as the Zodiac Signs

Source: chat_ensorceler

Is your MCU zodiac sign accurate? Let us know in the comments below!

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