Boss Makes Misogynist Comments About Woman’s LinkedIn Photo

Sawyer (who’s account is now deleted due to harassment because of this thread) tweeted this horrible story about her boss making creepy and highly misogynist comments. He made the comments about a prospective employee on LinkedIn who dared to exist in the workforce as a female. This is exactly the type of everyday sexism that women still have to put up with in society today. This is demonstrated by the twitter thread that is sadly (but not unexpectedly) filled with other women sharing similar stories. She also made a statement on why she left twitter due to threats, but also the good that came out of this, which you can read here.

Boss Makes Misogynist Comments About Womans LinkedIn Photo
Boss Makes Misogynist Comments About Womans LinkedIn Photo
Boss Makes Misogynist Comments About Womans LinkedIn Photo
Boss Makes Misogynist Comments About Womans LinkedIn Photo
Boss Makes Misogynist Comments About Womans LinkedIn Photo

Boss Makes Misogynist Comments About Womans LinkedIn Photo
Boss Makes Misogynist Comments About Womans LinkedIn Photo
Boss Makes Misogynist Comments About Womans LinkedIn Photo

Source: Sawyer

(via: Geek Girls)

Have you ever heard comments similar to this? Or had a misogynist boss, or experienced sexism in the workplace? Let us know your stories in the comments below!

1 thought on “Boss Makes Misogynist Comments About Woman’s LinkedIn Photo

  1. Insanely depressing. I wish I could apologize on behalf of men in general, but I’ve worked with some along the lines you describe (though not quite as bad).

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