Cooking a Hardboiled Egg Yolk for Your Computer Mouse

Kids today will truly never know the struggles we faced. Each week we had to overcook a fresh hardboiled egg yolk for the computer mouse. If you didn’t do this often enough your mouse would just stop working. It was so hard to get it cooked just right, and to get it the right size. Man, technology sure has come a long way! But the nostalgia is real… 🤣

Cooking a Hardboiled Egg Yolk for Your Computer Mouse
Cooking a Hardboiled Egg Yolk for Your Computer Mouse
Cooking a Hardboiled Egg Yolk for Your Computer Mouse

Cooking a Hardboiled Egg Yolk for Your Computer Mouse

(via: Just Sock Thoughts)

6 thoughts on “Cooking a Hardboiled Egg Yolk for Your Computer Mouse

  1. I grew up with computers because of my dad’s job, I was born in 1986, and we never had to do this. You guys just had garbage mice. Or you’re gaslighting people, which is pretty shitty.

  2. Oh my gods…. Yes, we had to do this. My wife still can’t look at an egg without getting sick due to having to overcook so many. I mean, our parents forced us to eat the bad cooking eggs so they didn’t go to waste. Plus with three younger sisters, we had to do batches. I got really good at it.

  3. Dude, I totally screwed up the eggs this Thanksgiving for deviled eggs and it’s brought back a trauma response. I can’t believe you brought this back to haunt me!

  4. Worst thing was when your parents had bought the extra large eggs and you’d cook the perfect yolk only to find it was too big for the mouse.

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