The Little Mermaid Fairy Tale Alternate Ending

ink-splotch wrote this wonderful alternate ending to the original The Little Mermaid fairy tale. In the original Hans Christian Andersen story the prince falls in love with another woman and decides to marry her instead. Ariel is doomed to have her heart broken and in the end is turned into sea foam. In this version Ariel will not be sea foam. There is life beyond love. There is love in just living. 

The Little Mermaid Fairy Tale Alternate Ending

The Little Mermaid Fairy Tale Alternate Ending

Source: ink-splotch

4 thoughts on “The Little Mermaid Fairy Tale Alternate Ending

  1. I’ve never watching the Little Mermaid, but wow if it was being screened with this alternate ending, I would watch it in a heart bit multiple times. You can have my money!

  2. Hans Christian Andersen would say that this is missing the point of his story.

    He wrote that whole story as a tantrum to try and explain how emotionally devastated he was when the man he was crushing on turned out to be straight and engaged to a woman.

    Granted, this ending probably reflects a healthier worldview than the author had.

    1. I mean, to be fair, his crush was likely bi, and Hans, his crush, and his crush’s wife all share the same grave, so Hans sorta kinda got some of what he wanted?

      But yeah, Little Mermaid was TOTES his temper tantrum.

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