Tanuki Tinka Asai looks amazing cosplaying as Battle Angel Alita! Battle Angel Alita is a Japanese manga series created by Yukito Kishiro. The series was first published in 1990 and ran until 1995, with a total of nine volumes. The series is set in a post-apocalyptic world and follows the story of a cyborg named Alita, who is discovered by a scientist and brought back to life. The manga has been adapted into an anime OVA, as well as a live-action film. The series has also inspired video games and merchandise. The story has a strong following among fans of cyberpunk and dystopian fiction. This cosplayer completely nailed Alita’s look in these photos shot by Nikonovich:
Battle Angel Alita Cosplayer: Tanuki Tinka Asai
Photographer: Nikonovich