Women Aren’t Baby Making Factories

Just a reminder that women aren’t baby making factories! Despite what people like this say, it’s just not the case. All the comments below refute this statement pretty thoroughly. So here’s a little biology lesson, complete with hilarious Ubisoft reference:

Women Arent Baby Making Factories

Women Arent Baby Making Factories

Women Arent Baby Making Factories


3 thoughts on “Women Aren’t Baby Making Factories

  1. Never realized that women can be misogynistic anti-choicers (pro-lifers). Well aware that babies face many barriers to coming into existence. None of these hurdles imply that the female body is a worse place to make babies. It’s the only place is all.

    1. Ofc they can, we have a lot in our country fighting to make pathological pregnancies deadly for mothers, because according to some it’s more ethical to kill the mother of 2 kids when her third pregnancy goes wrong than to terminate, even when it’s obvious that the fetus is to damaged to survive. We also don’t have real access to pain relieve during birth and a lot of stories from delivering sound quite nightmarish.

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