3 thoughts on “Why Teen Titans Was Cancelled

  1. They’re scared the same thing will happen like when He-Man introduced She-Ra and she got her own stuff going. Suddenly, sale for boys dropped off. It’s a shame because you’d think things would be different after 40ish years.

  2. Look at My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

    It started getting a huge following of “bronies.” And it made it through, what, 7 or 8 seasons? Plus a movie and spin-offs?

    And the big problem I as a writer see involving “male” IPs getting canceled because it began gathering a female audience is that the REASON they gathered a female audience is SUPERIOR WRITING AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.
    “Boys'” shows used to have some of the worst writing I’ve ever seen, and though it is getting better, it still has a long way to go to catch up to shows intended for girls. Even now, I can easily spot a show intended for boys simply because it isn’t that well-written. In such a show, GOOD(tm) guy fights BAD(tm) guy, has setbacks, gets friends/power, suffers isolation, then comes out the victor. That’s not nearly as interesting as a show where, for instance, The BAD(tm) guy is actually… redeemable, or better yet, misguided, or even better, just plain DIFFERENT. In these stories, they might end up changing sides, even converting the “GOOD(tm)” guy because it turns out they were wrong, etc. They is also more interpersonal development between the characters. It doesn’t necessarily stay static throughout.

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