Idea for an MCU Thor Spin-off Loki Movie

Oooooh, I like this idea for a Marvel Cinematic Universe Thor spin-off movie where Loki is actually still dead. But he has a plan to bust out of the land of the dead because he’s Loki and of course he does! I would watch the hell out of this. Please consider this Taika Waititi:

Annnd here’s a bunch of goth Loki pics because reasons. The thirst is real:

Idea for an MCU Thor Spin-off Loki Movie
Source: moonrainbow

🖤Tom Hiddleston🖤

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1 thought on “Idea for an MCU Thor Spin-off Loki Movie

  1. And that’s how the MCU introduces Thanos’ canonical crush on Lady Death. MCU, in your own words, “the hardest choices require the strongest wills”. Do it you cowards.

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