A Dragon Plays Dungeons & Dragons – Comics

LOL! Joshua Wright writes and illustrates these comics called Slack Wyrm and this little series is about a dragon playing Dungeons & Dragons! They’re part of the ongoing story of an unconcerned dragon in an uncaring world. His name is Ferragus Slackwyrm and her is an apathetic and indolent red dragon. Ferragus has no treasure because he can’t be bothered collecting it. He lives in his mountaintop keep and tries to maintain a contented, peaceful life. He is not good, he is not evil, he just is. Here’s more info about the comic:

“Slack Wyrm is set in a dystopian fantasy future, many thousands of years from now on an earth not unlike our own. Civilisations have risen and fallen, Man struggles against beast, magic pushes against science, and terrors of every description stalk the land. To catch up on past comics please consult the Slack Wyrm Archive.

A Dragon Plays Dungeons & Dragons - Comics
A Dragon Plays Dungeons & Dragons - Comics

A Dragon Plays Dungeons & Dragons - Comics
A Dragon Plays Dungeons & Dragons - Comics

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Artist: Joshua Wright

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