Adam Savage did a TED Talk about his love for cosplay entitled “My love letter to cosplay” and this quote is just wonderful! Below is a lovely except from his talk about what cosplay is, and his No-Face from Spirited Away cosplay. You can also view the full video below that.
Adam Savage makes things and builds experiments, and he uses costumes to add humor, color and clarity to the stories he tells. Tracing his lifelong love of costumes – from a childhood space helmet made of an ice cream tub to a No-Face costume he wore to Comic-Con – Savage explores the world of cosplay and the meaning it creates for its community. “We’re connecting with something important inside of us,” he says. “The costumes are how we reveal ourselves to each other.”

“Cosplay means people who dress up as their favorite characters from film, tv and anime, but it is so much more than that.”

“They’re [cosplayers] super clever and genius, They let their freak flag fly and it’s beautiful.”

“We’re connecting with something important inside of us and the costumes are how we reveal ourselves to each other.”
And here is the full “My love letter to cosplay” TED talk by Adam Savage video:
(via: Geek Girls)
What do you think about this Adam Savage quote from his “My love letter to cosplay” TED Talk? Let us know in the comments below!