According to these wolf facts, all wolves really want to do is lick your face and get petted for being a good boy. Oh and occasionally just lie on top of any human that might be around. Surprise, surprise wolves are just big, scary looking doggos. With that being said, still sounds scary to feed a wolf out of your hand. Or let one lick you. Or let one lie on you… or any of these things really, lol.

(via: Cheezburger)
Haha, you can see when she got her knowledge about wolf kisses
Forget the research — I have a dog (half American staffie) who does the tongue thing; and I’ve met an oversized Akita, so I get the idea: what _I_ want to know is who checked this post for grammar, punctuation and capitalization? Also, why did no one (like) suggest (like) an alternative to (like) the overuse of the preposition “like”? Perhaps a phrase with the same meaning: “as if”. Just, like, putting it out there, man.
Simmer down there, cupcake. OP did that a total of once, and it was appropriate.