April Gloria looks incredible cosplaying as Aela the Huntress from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim! These badass photos were shot in Yellowstone National Park.
Aela the Huntress is a Nord werewolf, thief and member of The Companions. She is one of five members of The Circle. Residing in Jorrvaskr with the other Companions, Aela offers lycanthropy deep into the faction’s questline. Additionally, she is an expert level Archery trainer, as well as a candidate for marriage and a follower after The Companions’ main questline.

“My mother was a Companion. And her mother. And all the women in my family, back to Hrotti Blackblade. I stayed with my father in the woods until I was old enough for my Trial. We hunted everything there was to hunt… Good training. Ma didn’t live long enough to see me join, but I fight to honor her and all my Shield-Sisters through time.” -Aela

Cosplayer: April Gloria
Photographer: CG
(via: Geek Girls)
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