This viral Reddit AITA (Am I The Asshole?) thread about a family heirloom asks, “AITA for storming out after I didn’t like the birthday present I was given?”. At face value based on that question alone it kind of does sound like she’s the asshole. But once you read the full AITA backstory about the family heirloom I’m sure you will change your mind. Her father comes across as pretty sexist in this story. I can totally see where she is coming from in being upset on her birthday. The “consolation” present she was given seem like a slap in the face. After you read the full story let us know in the comments below who you think the asshole is!

(via: Bored Panda)
Ok so after reading the full story, who do you think is the asshole? Let us know in the comments below!
I was dead set on that it was your issue till him saying the part about it leaving the family since you will marry a man.
OMG he is the arsehole! You are right to be totally upset! This is awful, even royal families have wised up to women being equal now in heredity. You are as much ‘the family’ as a boy! Steal the watch!
You are NOT the arsehole, I’m actually appalled at your father for even saying such a thing to you. What a way to dishonour your family history and also dishonour you as a woman. First off, it’s ok that you burst into tears and it’s ok that it was in public. Just because you are a woman doesn’t automatically mean you are being drastic or silly. And you deserve THE watch as the 1st born.
leaving aside the difference between “first born child” and “first born son” your dad would still be the AH for building up your expectation that you would get this family heirloom and teaching you to value it and see yourself as one of a line of holders of this family tradition and then yanking that out from under you publically and without any warning, and then acting like there’s something wrong with you having feelings about that.