This viral Reddit AITA (Am I The Asshole?) thread about Disney items asks, “Am I the asshole for not removing the Disney items from my house?” Here’s the full story:

We have a lot of Disney items, pictures, paintings, blankets, Funko Pops, decorations, figurines, dishware, etc., all made for adults and a lot of it subtle or vintage, but you can still tell it’s Disney.
One, this would be a massive undertaking. It’s not as simple as shoving stuff in a closet. We’d have to pack it up and find a place to store. The sheer amount would require at least two hours of packing. Not to mention storage and unpacking after.Two, it’s ridiculous to me. Who cares if people see?
She says it looks tacky and she doesn’t want people to remember her wedding for that. I told her no. We’re decorating the outside and barn as she wants. We’re letting her use our property for free, which she keeps bragging about to friends as it’s saving them a ton.
When my husband and I stood firm, she whined to our parents who told us to grow up and take it down.
Source: r/AmItheAsshole
(via: Ranker)
So what do you think? Who is the asshole here? Let us know in the comments below!
Find out what it would cost to rent a storage unit and have professional movers box and transport everything. If sis is willing to pay to de-Disney (and re-Disney) your house, do it. If she isn’t, it’s clearly not that important to her.
Would someone ask a sibling to remove all their: college mementos? sports fan items? family photos from the spouse’s family? artwork of an unpopular style? (other than a question of vulgarity) Would one ask a rented venue to change their decoration?
NTA. That’s your home and space, and you shouldn’t have to change it for people incidentally coming through to use the bathroom. Hold to your boundaries. WTF is her problem with Disney stuff anyway, and why does she think the presence of it is somehow going to co-opt her wedding?? “Oh, you have Disney stuff, cool. You worked there? That’s neat,” is a lot easier to pass over than, “Why does this place look like it’s been stripped bare?”
Find out how much to rent a port o potty.
I’m not a fan of the house of mouse, but I’m voting NTA. Its their home and to be expected to re-decorate is pretentious and insane to ask of them. If the sister doesn’t like it then she should rent a port a potty (I’m sure that will be way classier than some memorabilia) if she doesn’t want to do that tell her find another venue or shut up and same for the parents. I would even make a point the next time your at your parents house to point out how they have decorated and demand they take it ALL down as you don’t like it. When they push back respond with ‘Exactly!!” They don’t pay your bills and you owe none of them anything.
Tell her how much a venue would be. If she wants to dictate how you decorate your home, she can pay you a venue fee.
If not the she can chill the fuck out.
No pay, no say.