Today in “humans are space orcs” content, it’s a post about how aliens fear humans! The children of Earth are the most terrifying creatures in the galaxy. Here’s why:
I was actually still in doubt. I think the red cross too was brilliant like the rest of the story. My mind was *hoping* it was the medical red cross but fearing it was a *crusaders cross*…
Definitely, a great trilogy… you just beat me to the comment lol. Allen Dean Foster was the author if memory serves correctly. Another good series in a similar vein is Peter Brin’s Uplift series.
Great story Although the actual Doctors Without Borders (MSF) logo is slightly different as seen on their website:
Only noticed this as I made a Christmas donation to them instead of buying gifts for people this year.
Most records of humanity before the last great war were destroyed or lost to time and dust. Our current records begin at the Period of Unification or as some call it The Great Reformation. It would be sufficient to say the years before were dark and bloody times. Under the new Terran Protectorate, humanity had been unified through fire, pain, and suffering. We still teach about the dark times so as to never forget them but we are now focused on looking outward, to the stars! We rediscovered the joy of discovery, of exploration, and knowledge. Our technology is still old and cumbersome but we make due: we just achieved FTL travel and on our 1st jump we found them…aliens. We scanned them, they scanned us. It seemed they were scurrying to defend themselves with as what could only be described as “spit balls” compared to our armor plating, magnetic deflector shields, and ant projectile turrets. We determined that our rail guns would be sufficient to decimate their batteries, no warheads or Directed Energy Weapons would be necessary. Overall they were not a threat and we felt bad for scaring them so before any shots were fired and we started ANOTHER war with the first aliens we encountered, we left.
Things moved quickly after that first encounter, we were not alone…how many more species were out there? Were they as technologically inferior as the first? So many questions filtered through our government and society. A general order was disseminated through out The Protectorate to anyone with the ability to jump, “DO NOT CONTACT THE ALIENS”. This standing order was respected and obeyed, humanity had had enough of war and would rather isolate than engage any more blood shed. The Protectorate; however, was not naïve enough to think that others may see us as weak and wish to prey upon us so we bolstered our fleet and improved our defensive and concealment capabilities. Our stealth and jump tech made leaps and bounds in advancements over the months as the entire TP worked as one. Our detection systems improved too, we blindly jumped to other inhabited worlds by mistake and determined we needed deep space sensors to probe systems before we jumped and provoked our new neighbors. After these sensors came online and were calibrated, we came to an amazing and horrifying realization…we were the boogy men, we were the thugs, the brutes of the galaxy. The military technology of every civilization within sensor range (most of the Milky Way galaxy and some of Andromeda) was laughably lessor than our own. According to our spotty records, if the vehicles of the Second World War, if capable of space flight, would have been sufficient to defeat any of the races we shared our galaxy with.
After weeks of cataloging our discovers and further fine tuning our sensor array, we were able to detect what seemed to be an outlying colony world of our closest neighbor. We decided it was time to make contact and try to repair any of the damage we had already caused with our surprise debuts. We sent a probe with our best stealth tech to assess the planet and determine if we were to move forward with contact. Our probe discovered something alarming: a plague seemed to be affecting the world’s inhabitants. The closest thing we could equate to it was the common stomach flu but it seemed to be killing these poor folk. We sent a scouting party equipped with the same stealth tech as the probe, that seemed to still have been undetected, to collect samples and try to translate the alien’s communication. Even with the scout ships limited resources and facilities the quantum communicator was able to transmit the data regarding the virus and the language of the aliens, within hours we had a cure, for humans, and the language was deciphered. With a few more samples from “unaware” patients (they were only lightly stunned and were already in such a state of delirium that it really wasn’t even necessary). Armed with bio samples of the local populace, we made quick work of a vaccine but that would not help those already affected, for that we would need to make contact and work WITH their doctors.
The order was given at the highest level of our governing body: full disclosure, send what ever was needed to help. Unfortunately this order was given at a time when our resources had been allocated to defense and detection for such a time that our medical core was not ready for such an undertaking, so Terran Protector turned to Doctors without Boarders, one of the remaining organizations from before The Great Reformation that survived the conflicts and was allowed to continue its work. This organization was looked upon by humanity with hope as it came from a time of darkness and strife but still did everything possible to help and repair the damages of war. It was an enduring beacon of the best of humanity: selflessness even in the face of danger and death. The Dw/oB was given a mothballed fleet that was brought back into service within the week, supplies and personnel were loaded on as quickly as possible. This mission was put together and dispatched with such haste that the ships did not even fly a flag, no exterior visual identification except profile (as it was a moth balled fleet even these profiles were out of date), so before the jump to FTL anyone with space walk certs volunteered to emblazen their symbol on the fleet’s ships. General labor volunteers were assigned to adorn the hazmat and space suits with the old red cross, another enduring symbol from humanity’s past that was pulled through to keep ties to the old ways so as never to forget.
Upon arrival we already had a lay of the land, knew where the space port was and didn’t even bother to establish orbit before descending with such speed their defenses would not even be able to acquire them as targets let alone get a shot off. These old ships were designed to transition between space and in atmosphere flight, a trait that most modern ships lacked, so as soon as we dropped from FTL we were upon them. Looking back this must have been the moment they believed we were starting our galactic conquering, we knew they had scanned and probed us, we let them see what we wanted and left them alone, allowing them think we did not detect them. They never scanned military vessels or facilities so there really was nothing to prevent them from seeing. We didn’t know if it was fear or the virus but their defenses didn’t even power up, there was no muster of troops, nor even a diplomatic greeting party. We decided to send the advance team straight to the hospital. We made contact and began our work.
Humanity would do its best to be a beacon of light and hope in this galaxy starting here, with the defeat of this virus.
I think the key thing to remember is that along side being good at blowing people up you need to be as good at putting your own people (and even the other side’s people) back together again.
What a great story!!!
Absolutely love it!
I loved this! The story is so captivating, and the writing is amazing.
This ending gives me hope for humanity.
More, please….
Why isn’t this a full length novel, maybe even a series?
Now that you’ve whetted our appetites, can you tell us how to get the rest of the story?
Must have more
I think we all want MORE…
Also, check Humanity Fuck Yeah! in Reddit for stories like this one…
Absolutely loved this, the flag with the Red Cross telegraphed the twist but was close enough to the end.
I was actually still in doubt. I think the red cross too was brilliant like the rest of the story. My mind was *hoping* it was the medical red cross but fearing it was a *crusaders cross*…
This is fantastic! I’d love to see more of this, and would love to hear more lore about the narrator’s planet.
Excellent original work
Excellent. More of this needed
absolutely beautiful
As others have said, this needs a full novel.
The Damned Trilogy starting with A Call to Arms.
Definitely, a great trilogy… you just beat me to the comment lol. Allen Dean Foster was the author if memory serves correctly. Another good series in a similar vein is Peter Brin’s Uplift series.
Brilliant I hope it becomes a series.
Please write this story. A novel, a world, a history, a lore. A hundred novels!! I need to read this! X
This made me so happy! Totally not where I thought it was going
Best thing I have read all year!
This is beautiful! Is it part if a book? Excellent writing please, do more
If it. Janet
I loved this so much, thanks for this wonderful story!
Alan Dean Foster, “With Friends Like These”. Classics.
Great story
Although the actual Doctors Without Borders (MSF) logo is slightly different as seen on their website:
Only noticed this as I made a Christmas donation to them instead of buying gifts for people this year.
What a great short story.
Most records of humanity before the last great war were destroyed or lost to time and dust. Our current records begin at the Period of Unification or as some call it The Great Reformation. It would be sufficient to say the years before were dark and bloody times. Under the new Terran Protectorate, humanity had been unified through fire, pain, and suffering. We still teach about the dark times so as to never forget them but we are now focused on looking outward, to the stars! We rediscovered the joy of discovery, of exploration, and knowledge. Our technology is still old and cumbersome but we make due: we just achieved FTL travel and on our 1st jump we found them…aliens. We scanned them, they scanned us. It seemed they were scurrying to defend themselves with as what could only be described as “spit balls” compared to our armor plating, magnetic deflector shields, and ant projectile turrets. We determined that our rail guns would be sufficient to decimate their batteries, no warheads or Directed Energy Weapons would be necessary. Overall they were not a threat and we felt bad for scaring them so before any shots were fired and we started ANOTHER war with the first aliens we encountered, we left.
Things moved quickly after that first encounter, we were not alone…how many more species were out there? Were they as technologically inferior as the first? So many questions filtered through our government and society. A general order was disseminated through out The Protectorate to anyone with the ability to jump, “DO NOT CONTACT THE ALIENS”. This standing order was respected and obeyed, humanity had had enough of war and would rather isolate than engage any more blood shed. The Protectorate; however, was not naïve enough to think that others may see us as weak and wish to prey upon us so we bolstered our fleet and improved our defensive and concealment capabilities. Our stealth and jump tech made leaps and bounds in advancements over the months as the entire TP worked as one. Our detection systems improved too, we blindly jumped to other inhabited worlds by mistake and determined we needed deep space sensors to probe systems before we jumped and provoked our new neighbors. After these sensors came online and were calibrated, we came to an amazing and horrifying realization…we were the boogy men, we were the thugs, the brutes of the galaxy. The military technology of every civilization within sensor range (most of the Milky Way galaxy and some of Andromeda) was laughably lessor than our own. According to our spotty records, if the vehicles of the Second World War, if capable of space flight, would have been sufficient to defeat any of the races we shared our galaxy with.
After weeks of cataloging our discovers and further fine tuning our sensor array, we were able to detect what seemed to be an outlying colony world of our closest neighbor. We decided it was time to make contact and try to repair any of the damage we had already caused with our surprise debuts. We sent a probe with our best stealth tech to assess the planet and determine if we were to move forward with contact. Our probe discovered something alarming: a plague seemed to be affecting the world’s inhabitants. The closest thing we could equate to it was the common stomach flu but it seemed to be killing these poor folk. We sent a scouting party equipped with the same stealth tech as the probe, that seemed to still have been undetected, to collect samples and try to translate the alien’s communication. Even with the scout ships limited resources and facilities the quantum communicator was able to transmit the data regarding the virus and the language of the aliens, within hours we had a cure, for humans, and the language was deciphered. With a few more samples from “unaware” patients (they were only lightly stunned and were already in such a state of delirium that it really wasn’t even necessary). Armed with bio samples of the local populace, we made quick work of a vaccine but that would not help those already affected, for that we would need to make contact and work WITH their doctors.
The order was given at the highest level of our governing body: full disclosure, send what ever was needed to help. Unfortunately this order was given at a time when our resources had been allocated to defense and detection for such a time that our medical core was not ready for such an undertaking, so Terran Protector turned to Doctors without Boarders, one of the remaining organizations from before The Great Reformation that survived the conflicts and was allowed to continue its work. This organization was looked upon by humanity with hope as it came from a time of darkness and strife but still did everything possible to help and repair the damages of war. It was an enduring beacon of the best of humanity: selflessness even in the face of danger and death. The Dw/oB was given a mothballed fleet that was brought back into service within the week, supplies and personnel were loaded on as quickly as possible. This mission was put together and dispatched with such haste that the ships did not even fly a flag, no exterior visual identification except profile (as it was a moth balled fleet even these profiles were out of date), so before the jump to FTL anyone with space walk certs volunteered to emblazen their symbol on the fleet’s ships. General labor volunteers were assigned to adorn the hazmat and space suits with the old red cross, another enduring symbol from humanity’s past that was pulled through to keep ties to the old ways so as never to forget.
Upon arrival we already had a lay of the land, knew where the space port was and didn’t even bother to establish orbit before descending with such speed their defenses would not even be able to acquire them as targets let alone get a shot off. These old ships were designed to transition between space and in atmosphere flight, a trait that most modern ships lacked, so as soon as we dropped from FTL we were upon them. Looking back this must have been the moment they believed we were starting our galactic conquering, we knew they had scanned and probed us, we let them see what we wanted and left them alone, allowing them think we did not detect them. They never scanned military vessels or facilities so there really was nothing to prevent them from seeing. We didn’t know if it was fear or the virus but their defenses didn’t even power up, there was no muster of troops, nor even a diplomatic greeting party. We decided to send the advance team straight to the hospital. We made contact and began our work.
Humanity would do its best to be a beacon of light and hope in this galaxy starting here, with the defeat of this virus.
Thank you for wetting the appetite! Now we need MORE.
I think the key thing to remember is that along side being good at blowing people up you need to be as good at putting your own people (and even the other side’s people) back together again.
The “Sector General” series by James White. Give it a read.
This is my absolute favorite of these stories.