Prop maker Michael Corrie of Props To History put together this amazing AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport) cosplay for a Clydesdale horse named Moana! That’s right, it’s an AT-AT from Star Wars costume on a 2000lbs horse! And don’t worry about her, the horse loves the costume and gets upset when he tries to take it off. It took about five months and 700 hours of work to complete the costume, which is mainly made from PVC pipe, foam exercise mats and tape. The prop maker says the costume is not much different from the harnesses the horse is used to wearing. Here’s what else he had to say about the horses safety in the AT-AT costume:
“It was a long series of fittings and refittings to ensure Moana was both comfortable and safe. Early on we decided that if at anytime Moana was stressed the whole thing would be abandoned.”

Source: Props To History
(via: CNET)