Author: MediaChomp
Dazzler Cosplay From X-Men
The Cosplay Hobbyist looks fabulous cosplaying as Dazzler from X-Men! Dazzler was introduced in Uncanny X-Men #130 in 1980, created by writer Tom DeFalco and…
The Addams Family Miniature House
WANT! Etsy seller Gold Rush Bay makes these amazing miniature Addams House Victorian Mansion with Opening Hinge inspired by The Addams Family! Here’s some info…
Socialism Ideas
This is an interesting community post filled with ideas for socialism in our society. Socialism is a political and economic ideology that advocates for the…
Pyramid Conspiracy – Comic
LOL! This comic by wallyscottcomics is for all the people who believe the pyramid conspiracies about how aliens built the pyramids: Artist: wallyscottcomics (via: Geeks…
Captain Kirk Is Not an Asshole
Pop culture’s idea of Captain Kirk from Star Trek: The Original Series is that he is just an asshole and a womanizer. This is just…
Beach Nami Cosplay From One Piece
Stella Chuu looks wonderful cosplaying as Nami (beach version) from the popular manga and anime series One Piece! Nami is a skilled navigator and a member of…
Haunted Movie Sets
This is an amusing post about “haunted” movie sets. It starts with the making of the 1984 horror classic Children of the Corn. It was…
The Bearot Deck – A Bear Themed Tarot Deck
WANT! Etsy seller Claire Weber Art designed this awesome bear themed tarot cards cleverly titled The Bearot Deck! Here’s a little bit of info about…
Things to Find When You Search a Body in Dungeons & Dragons
randomtable makes tables to roll on to randomly generate results for tabletop role-playing games. This list is for rolling a d20 for things to find…
Deconstructing Tolkien
TLDR: Stop praising recent fantasy for deconstructing Tolkien if they’re “deconstructing” something Tolkien has never actually constructed. Source