LOL! Oh Bats. Leftover Salad wrote this comic about how Batman is actually a bad guy. It makes some pretty good points about how Bruce Wayne might not actually be the great hero he thinks he is. I mean he is a billionaire who is obviously a complete sociopath, plus all this:

Artist: Leftover Salad
What a load of horseshit. Bruce Wayne is a well established philanthropist and Batman fights fucking SUPERVILLAINS. I’m tired of these fucking character assassinations.
You know he’s not real, though, right? And that billionaire philanthropy is a myth?
YES which is why ripping on one of the few Fictional billonare philanthropists is BS he and Dick have done way more good with their money BECAUSE they became batman and nightwing geting to see where the problems are in ways they couldn’t because of their welth (Dick Grayson inherited all of alfrieds money and SUPRISE he was acctually richer then bruce)