Oh wow, this is a great plot idea / fan fiction that Sean Kelly tweeted for a dark and gritty Batman story that addresses police brutality and corruption in Gotham. Sean is a freelance writer, haver of Batman opinions and he coined the phrase “Same Panic, Different Disco.” Here is his Batman alternate universe where Joe Chill (the criminal who killed batman’s parents) is actually a dirty cop:

Source: Sean Kelly
(via: Geek Girls)
You described the plot of the first book of Batman Earth One released a few years ago with a few differences
I like it, but it needs a classic supervillain or two, too.
Like how about, behind all these events unfolding, The Penguin is planning a hostile takeover of the streets, and throughout the movie The Riddler is trying to figure out who Batman really is and sort of messes up his plans now and then, in typical Riddler fashion.
When the cops quit en masse, that’s when both these villains make their move. Only Batman can prevent Peguin and his organized crime gang from taking over the streets and oppressing the innocent population, and The Riddler starts killing people kind of Jigsaw style to draw Batman out.
Batman is forced to walk into Riddler’s trap, but he ultimately outwits him (which will be very cool) and escapes, but in this time The Penguin fortifies his position and has a solid stronghold from which to exploit for profit (cue awesome action scene that audience would have been waiting for the entire movie, as Batman storms his compound and defeats the small army by himself). Penguin escapes, but Batman’s outwitting earlier tricks Riddler into going after him. The two face off, someone wins, and Batman catches up and captures them both.
Meanwhile, The People take back the streets, and sure get all the #defundthepolice messages in (but gotta have some supervillains, or is it REALLY even Batman?)
Linking Penguin and/or Riddler to the cops themselves in some way would be highly effective in this instance such as Riddler being something akin TO a “gritty” Batman expy or a large portion of the GCPD being in the Penguin’s pocket except for Joe Chill who was made a commissioner on Penguin’s influence.
Penguin would probably be one of the very wealthy who backs the militarization of the police. Could I recommend that some of the elites hire Bane, who is a private security contractor to ‘assist’?
Also, Professor Crane is weighing in on crowd psychology and how there is a need for a heavier hand. He has also provided his fear gas for the police to use in addition to the usual weaponry.
I mean, isn’t that Batman: Year One? Police reform is kind of the first issue on Bruce’s plate when he returns from studying ninjitsu.
Apart from the mob, which is REALLY like the fascism Miller wanted with Dark Knight Returns, I like.
Though remember, the awfulness in Gotham is more than just corruption. Place is literally haunted.