Beer Is the Ultimate Woman’s and Witch’s Drink

Like we first learned in the Beer Was Invented and Brewed by Women post, beer was invented and brewed by women for most of human history, until monks ruined it. Also beer is the ultimate woman’s and witch’s drink, here’s why:

Beer Is the Ultimate Woman’s and Witch’s Drink

Beer Is the Ultimate Woman’s and Witch’s Drink

so yeah, beer = witch’s brew. other things to check out:

Fermented low-alcohol beverages being the prime source of safe drinking water, for the whole family, for much of human history.

Beer, women, and the invention of the drinking straw (trivia, the oldest known straw is Sumerian, 5000 years old, made of gold and lapis lazuli. )

Monks horning in on the female-dominated brewing economy, the medieval church persecuting female brewsters

Monks adding hops (and making beer gross) in order to lower their libido (and to avoid the temptation of gay sex)

Dionysus, god of winemaking, and his raving, drunken madwomen followers, the Maenads. 

Or any of a long list of goddesses associated w/ beer. Tenenet, the ancient egyptian  goddess of childbearing & beer brewing. The earliest beer recipe, found in a 3900 year old poem honoring Ninkasi, patron goddess of brewing

And that’s all for now folks. Happy drinking’


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