Beer Was Invented and Brewed by Women

Here’s a very interesting historical fact – beer was invented and brewed by women for most of human history. Until the patriarchy of course decided that they were basically witches and that brewing beer was a man job. *eye-roll*

Beer Was Invented and Brewed By Women

Beer Was Invented and Brewed By Women


Did you know this? Got any other beer facts? Let is know in the comments below!

4 thoughts on “Beer Was Invented and Brewed by Women

  1. Straws DO CAUSE huge environmental harm, look at the TONS of photos of poor marine animals eating them and dying or get it stuck into their eyes, etc. The sea is NOT a sewer for irresponsible, lazy humans! Also I’d love to see links to sources to the above nice interpretation washing together witches and femaie brewers.

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