This comic by Paige Hall about being a geeky woman is pretty sad. It sucks that women and girls in geekdom are being made to feel this way when they just want to celebrate their fandoms. Here’s what the artist had to say (complete with a #notallmen disclaimer):
“Hi guys! This is a comic I made for a final in my comics in literature class. We had to do a research paper on a topic we’d discussed in class and then accompany it with a comic with a relevant subject. My paper was about hyper-sexualization of women in comic books, but I decided to broaden it out here as well as personalize it and make myself the subject and discuss something I’ve been subjected to in the convention circuit and on the internet as well as thousands of other women, as well as give a cue to thought about how the comic book industry as well as the video game industry and even just media in general (all of which are male dominated) push such ridiculous pressures onto girls and women.
Also, it feels kind of silly to have to add this since I hope it’s obvious, but I am very aware that there are men that don’t subscribe to this attitude, and am incredibly grateful that these issues are brought to light to people other than the ones that are subjected to it.”

I’m very sorry the Paige Hall, has had this kind of experience.
The geek community has historical been a group of social outliers, and should be willing to accept all people, that wish to be a part.
She is correct in her statement that this is not included all of is. The problem is the ones who are the problem are very vocal, and those of us who oppose those trolls are sometimes not vocal enough.
But a reminder for Paige, there are a lot of us who appreciate your Fandom.
And there are plenty of us who love seeing a thick girl in a cute costume.
You keep doing what makes you happy.
And remember those that talk shit, are unhappy about within themselves, and just don’t know how to deal with it.
I know it hurts. I’ve been called many things in my life too. The hard part is not letting them win. Go anyway, go in spite of them. Go *TO* spite them. Go with a friend or two and make it a theme. Strength comes in numbers. We need *them* to know they can’t beat us, shame us or push us into the shadows. Stay strong and be proud of every bit of yourself, because there’s only one you.