6 thoughts on “Being a Woman Is Like Being a Cyclist

  1. Sadly not all the cars are men and not all the women cyclists. Women abuse women and it’s seen as ok. Women abuse men and it’s justified and cheered. It is not clear cut.

    1. Frankly, I work with abused people every day. I have never, ever seen “Women abuse men and it;s justified and cheered.” Not. Ever.

      1. It’s a logical fallacy to believe that just because you haven’t experienced something directly, it doesn’t exist.

  2. Yes, completely accurate. Men are bigger, faster, stronger. Can go for longer and get you there quicker, while also being more comfortable and safe. Perfect analogy.

    1. Yes, completely accurate. Men guzzle up the world’s fuel resources, their exhaust emissions are through the roof, they jam up public roads, emit incessant noise and are slowly being replaced by quieter, neater, less polluting ‘robot’ versions.

      They also get totalled on a daily basis due to idiotic behaviour.

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