Being Nice in Warhammer 40k

infectedhau posted this interesting idea about trying to be nice when playing Warhammer 40k. Even though the whole point of 40k’s universe is that everyone sucks and you get the catharsis of being an asshole without actually being an asshole, there’s also some cool stuff hidden behind the “but what if they were nice” wall:

Being Nice in Warhammer 40k
Being Nice in Warhammer 40k

Source: infectedhau

2 thoughts on “Being Nice in Warhammer 40k

  1. There is a Dark Heresy scenario where someone who fits the bill of a nobleman who is actually noble and how that works out for him and his people. The short form is that after a couple years of mockery, they see how much better he and his people are doing after a few lean years where he invested in his people and paid the minimum tithe and it essentially “freaked the norms.” Hilarity ensued. :/

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