Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear

Verbena Lafleur of Verbena’s Dream Studio looks incredible cosplaying as her fantasy Berserkr viking warrior with a bear! And as you can see she’s even posing with a real live trained bear from Panteleenko Svetlana, who trains bear for films in Russia. This whole shoot is just unreal. The leatherwork was done by Liliya Berezina and these amazing photos were shot by Alex Noori. Verbena makes a living sewing and renting costumes for films and creative projects. Here is a little bit more about her work from her (translated from Russian):

“Once upon a time I was very sad that, while trying to find stylized costumes for my projects, I constantly came across a dubious quality of the product. Then for the first time I decided to try to create my own. Since then I have been creating and embodying images of various genres, trying to make my works as believable, realistic and high-quality as possible. Each image is thought out from head to toe in the literal sense, and includes not only clothes or dress, but often shoes, accessories, hats. Over time, the number of props began to make it possible to combine and combine them with each other to create more and more new images.”

Her berserkr cosplay with a bear is just stunning!
Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear

Berserkr – from Old Scandinavian. from * ber- “bear” + serkr “shirt, skin”, that is, figuratively “a warrior in a bear’s skin”. These fierce and fearless Norse warriors contributed a lot to the werewolf legends. They dressed in animal skins, wore long hair and put black paint on their faces. According to some legends, berserkers during the battle could turn into terrible bears and wolves. Residents of the isolated villages, being attacked by them, really took them for half-humans, half-beasts…

Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear
Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear
Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear
Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear

Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear
Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear
Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear
Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear
Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear
Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear

Berserkr Fantasy Cosplay with a Real Bear

Model / MUAH / post-production: Verbena Lafleur

Style: Verbena’s Dream Studio

Leatherwork: Liliya Berezina

Photographer: Alex Noori

Bear: Panteleenko Svetlana

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