Momo Karinyo Cosplay (Momo Kariño, spelled Karinyo for social media which don’t allow ñ’s, formerly known as Momo Kurumi) posted her twitter thread about bikini cosplay that we 100% agree with. Momo Kariño is a passionate and award-winning cosplayer, seamstress, and artist. Cosplaying since 2007, she has made over 150 costumes, worked in various sewing industries, and been a featured guest at several anime and comic cons. She even presents panels at conventions across the U.S., runs and judges cosplay contests, and more! Anyway, whenever you see bikini cosplay or sexy cosplay some gatekeeper shows up to explain that it’s “not cosplay”. Well I think Momo might actually know better than some random intent dudebro who’s never cosplayed. So she eloquently outlined all the reasons why they are totally wrong. She also included excellent examples to illustrate her point perfectly. Here’s what she said along with it:
“Putting on a bikini and wig isn’t cosplay” is the oldest and most tired thing I hear from gatekeepers in cosplay. Cosplay is what you make of it. It’s not about how much you spend, how hard you work, how accurate you are, or whether or not other people can get it (let’s face it, I don’t trust their opinions anyways when I get called Cinderella while dressed as Elsa). Call it cosplay if you wanna. Nobody here is Merriam-Webster. Nobody defines what cosplay is to you

Source: Momo Karinyo Cosplay – Twitter – Website
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