Body Positivity for Men – Art Series

Illustrator and body acceptance activist Lena Dirscherl aka BoPoLena created this wonderful male body positivity art series that tackles body issues a lot of men struggle with. There are many more great messages of positivity and acceptance for everyone who struggles with these issues on their Instagram page. Here’s a few words from the artist about their body positivity for men series:

“It seems I’ve struck a nerve with this message: body positivity is not only for women, no, it’s for all genders! ✊ Men also suffer under diet culture and the pressure to look as “attractive” as possible. But you all are already beautiful! You are great the way you are! You don’t need diets or gyms to be worthy! You are already worthy and loved! 💖”

Body Positivity for Men - Art Series
Body Positivity for Men - Art Series
Body Positivity for Men - Art Series

Body Positivity for Men - Art Series
Body Positivity for Men - Art Series

Artist: BoPoLena

Support the artist on Patreon!

(via: Declan Taylor)

1 thought on “Body Positivity for Men – Art Series

  1. I was going to write something bitter hateful, but I deleted it. Will just curl up in a plus sized ball and cry instead

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