15 thoughts on “Boomers Being Technologically Incompetent

      1. I’m one of those boomers and probably know about the technology than you will ever know. I started out in 1979 working on mainframes at UNM. I am now an IT Security Analyst working on cutting edge equipment. So now who’s the dumbass, dumbass.

  1. TBF, half the time when their settings get changed it’s because they left their phone lying around the house and a grandkid decided to play with it by pressing random buttons. That’s how my FIL’s Garmin started speaking and displaying only in Chinese.

  2. tail end boomer, not yet 60. We did not grow up with this shit. PC’s/internet when I was 30+, computer games 40’s, smart phones 45+. Know your timeline. And alot you are complaining about are older than me. ID10T’s.

      1. i am an 83 baby, i was on video game consuls in the 80s, don’t give us crap about not knowing, you have at at the BARE MINIMUM, 10 YEARS to learn this shit.

    1. Yeah, so they became standard when y’all were working age. I got computer class twice a week for 45min (a grand total of 1.5hrs per week) from 1st through 8th grade. Y’all were in front of them for 8 hours per day, 5 days per week for decades…

    2. So what you’re saying, is you at the shortest possible available timeline have been unable to learn, and cannot grasp the concepts of google, and basic settings, with the mass adoption of computers in the 90s, (somehow missing the mass adoption of games in the 90s), and the mass adoption of smartphones 15 years ago, having had 3/2/1 decades to learn in.
      You are rather proving the point – you are choosing not to learn, then insulting others.
      The older you get, the harder it is to learn new things – but not for 30 years is definitely a choice.

    3. Are you saying in your thirties you were already so neurologically hardened that you were incapable of learning new things? Have you been working the same job in the exact same way since then or have you managed to figure out new ideas as they’re presented in other areas of your life?

    4. Bullshit.

      My father, who is in his 70s, studied computer programming in college.

      By the time I was born 40 years ago, corporate offices were already filled with computers.

      30 years ago, (when you’d have been in your 30s) these things were in every school, every corporate office job, and a lot of households.

      You’ve had to deal with basic technology for the majority of your working life. Anyone your age or younger (or even 70s or younger) has no excuse. The world turned to computers way before you had an excuse. Hell my grandfather who’d be 95 now knew how to use a computer because he saw the way the world was going.

  3. Let’s just maybe cool it off and try to be nice to each other. Some older people are super tech-savvy, and many are not (likewise with Gen-Q or whoever they are this week).

  4. When I was young I thought older people were stupid too, boy how wrong I was , you can’t be wise without experience in life. You can just have a big , ignorant ego.

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