The answer to the age old Star Trek vs Star Wars geek debate, “Which would win in a fight? Borg Cube or Death Star?” has been answered by none other than the Stargate fandom! But who do you think would win in a Borg Cube vs. Death Star fight?

Let us know in the comments below who you think would win, Borg Cube or Death Star?
I agree that the Death Star would one shot the first cube. I’m less confident that the next cube would be immune though. The examples we’ve seen in Star Trek are of weapons damaging but not destroying the cube with the first shot. The Borg in the surviving areas have time to analyse the threat, develop a counter measure and communicate it out. If the cube were completely destroyed in the first shot (remember that this is a weapon that destroys planets and a Borg cube is much smaller than a planet) then they probably wouldn’t have time to analyse the threat, let alone communicate details to other cubes. The key question is probably whether there is another cube close enough to observe the destruction of the first and analyse the threat before being fired upon itself.
I would go so far as to say that given the demonstrated destructive capability of either Death Star 1 or 2 (one-shotting an entire planet) and the size and mass of a Borg cube relative to a planet, that there would be no way that any Borg cube, whether it’s had a chance to learn about a Death Star superlaser or not, could withstand a superlaser hit. The cube is just too small and it’s been demonstrated to be vulnerable to certain precise attacks by conventional Star Trek starships (e.g., Enterprise-E in First Contact). The Death Star’s destructive capability dwarfs most things we’ve seen in Star Trek canon. Now, put the Death Star up against V’ger (ST:I) or the Probe (ST:IV) and I think we have potential for interesting cases of planet-altering apparatus matchups.
Yes, the Death Star’s “main gun” should absolutely atomize a Borg Cube… if it hits one. For the same reasons they didn’t fire it at fighters, or even the Millennium Falcon; I doubt they would fire it at a Cube and hit. It’s like a spinal mount on many other sci-fi ships; you gotta orient the gun at the target by moving the entire ship, not just move a turret around a bit.
DS misses its first shot; and even the most idiotic borg on the cube says “we should not let that huge laser point at us again; move around the other side”…
To be entirely honest, a borg cube is a tad bit bigger than a starfighter or the Falcon, and we do see the second death star open fire on capital ships in Return.
Soooooooooooo I’d say a borg cube is still a valid target.
Power output of the Death Star would likely overwhelm any Borg Cube’s power grid. If not, the Death Star’s blast would create an area of intense heat so powerful that the heat alone would melt the Borg Cube and no heat shielding would be able to prevent that. It would also have a physical shockwave, but I’m not sure how much damage that shockwave would do.
Also, no, they wouldn’t just be able to teleport people around. The shielding around the Death Star would likely act as Star Trek’s shields (assuming, of course, there is shielding. If not, the Death Star is kinda screwed).
The real question no one seems to ask is… how long does it take for the Death Star’s main canon to recharge between shots?
Because enough Borg Cubes would overwhelm it before it would have a chance to blow most of them up. And we all know that the second or 3rd wave of Borg would be en masse.