Today I learned that bread fraud was a common issue in ancient Rome. The production and distribution of bread was tightly controlled by the government, and many people relied on bread for sustenance.
Bakers in ancient Rome would sometimes add cheaper ingredients like sawdust, chalk, or even ground bones to bread to make it appear more substantial. The Roman government attempted to address bread fraud by regulating the weight, quality, and price of bread. Bread prices were set by law, and bakers who were caught scamming were subject to penalties like fines or even public flogging. This post elaborates on the history of this:

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bread fraud isn’t something from the ancient past. turn of the 20th century, the original agency that became the FDA was organized because so many ppl selling food had reduced or no food in it. Unions were a big part of getting the laws passed to protect ppl from food that had sawdust, clay, chalk, etc, used to bulk the food. In several industries, workers were paid with “script” at the “company store”, and if the company store was mixing non-food stuffs into their bread, canned goods, etc workers had no choice but to buy there anyway. A company’s script was only real currency within their organization. If you wanted the company to pay you in currency rather than in script, the company would take a “conversion fee” out of your pay. So $10 a year at the company store might only be $7 a year in US dollars. Also, a lot of those industries, such as coal mining, there was no where else to spend your pay.