Broken Window Story

Nathan Howe tweeted this really great story about a broken window in his house that he neglected to fix for far too long. But the story is really a parable about people with ADHD, anxiety, or depression. Many of us live with broken windows of one type or another for years. The moral of the story here is – you don’t have to fix it all now. Just start by starting.

Broken Window Story
Broken Window Story

Broken Window Story
Broken Window Story

Source: Nathan Howe

6 thoughts on “Broken Window Story

  1. Thank you for expressing some of my thought processes…. I thought it was just procrastinating but I now see it was me making things more difficult, maybe I will deal with the molehill before it becomes a mountain.

  2. Most appreciated. I’ve just fixed a “Broken Window” of my own, and the feeling is great!

  3. I am about to graduate from a PhD program, in some ways a lot of “broken windows” that have haunted me for the last 7 years will be dealt with one way or another when I graduate. I will have a chance to start afresh, within certain aspects of my life, and with all fixed windows. Now I know that I need to fix my windows as they break rather than letting them rust and create general anxiety for my life.

  4. One of the best motivational posters I’ve ever owned was a picture of a toddler at the bottom of a long set of stairs with the caption, “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” (attributed to Arthur Ashe)

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