This story about a sweet bulldog is from a reddit post that asked the question, “What is the creepiest thing your pet has done?”. While this story is a little creepy, it actually just shows how dogs are often great judges of character:

Has your dog ever done anything like this? Let us know in the comments below!
So with no other data to go on. your dog who is primary scent based. Suddenly smelt the pheromones that the guy started exuding at the appearance of the minor child. Ew. Doggo 15/10.
Dogs gonna Dog
This is not uncommon for a wide range of domestic animals – dogs and cats most notably. I’ve seen it personally, in circumstances I’ll not describe; and so, I’ve learned to trust their conclusions. When I see a normally-sweet dog suddenly turn like that, I know it’s one of two things – either the dog has developed a mental illness, or it’s facing down a seriously bad person. And if there are no other reasons to suspect canine mental illness… it’s the latter. I would immediately begin holding that person at an extreme distance from myself.
My late doggo was the same way. He was a greyhound. They are super sensitive anyway and he still loved to meet new people. One day I was walking him and a guy came up his yard asking if he could pet my dog. I said yes figuring Warrior would love that as he loves when people play attention to him. Well, the guy came up small talking to me but I noticed that Warrior was not eager to meet him. He pushed his body so close to mine that he was like velcroed to me. His tail was between his legs and he would not look at the man. Started to make me feel uncomfortable and I finally said we needed to get going to finish out walk. As soon as we walked away he returned to his normal self. Found out later that guy was the sex offenders registry. Steered clear of that part of the street from then on when walking him.