scottsumrners makes an interesting point about how capitalism is killing streaming services. Or as he said, it already “killed the streaming service in less than ten years.” I don’t think they’re entirely dead, as I’m someone who is subscribed to Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ and HBO. But it is becoming pretty ridiculous to pay for so many different services. And it’s super dumb that you can’t just binge certain shows. Why am I waiting a week when there’s no longer traditional tv schedules?!? Anyway here’s the post, thanks again capitalism:

This Captain Planet meme is super relevant to this post, lol:
This pirating meme is also super relevant, yarrrr:

What do you think about the streaming service situation? Which ones are you subscribed to? Leave a comment below!
Cable companies and TV stations never at any point had 80% profit margins. So pulling 80% of the money out of the industry was never going to work – they’re not going to give you unlimited mountains of content at a loss. The money to create that content has to come from somewhere, and if it’s not cable fees or advertising or DVD sales, it’ll be people spending more money on streaming.
It wasn’t that hard to see that this was coming. Don’t look at 2012-era Netflix as the natural state of the world, because it never was. Look at it as a brief period in history when Wall Street’s money was used to buy you TV shows, instead of you needing to spend your own money. You see this pattern over and over with tech startups, where they come in at a low price initially, spending investor funds, and then the business model turns to something sustainable five or ten years later. Enjoy the cheap stuff while it lasts, but don’t expect it to be eternal.
You just agreed with the entire article by describing the problem with capitalism without mentioning it.
When I was a kid there was no cable tv and then there was. There was no way to record tv and then there was. There was no way to rent movies and then there was. There was no way to watch movies and then there was. People who make claims like this nonsense here have no clue of history and what brings it about.