LOL! Angry dudebros always seem to think that calling women “cat lady” is some kind of terrible insult, but newsflash, it’s not an insult. Cats are awesome companions. And like they said if a woman has a cat and no man it probably just means she did the math and overall, men scored lower than a furry animal that shits in a box. Oh and I’m also worried for this guy since he thinks all fruits and vegetables are “rabbit food”, haha:

(via: Geek Girls)
the debate between women and men about who needs who is ridiculous because non could survive without the other. Literally, you need sperm and egg to produce another human being …. this is stupid.
While you got a point in terms of survival- there has to be a (fertile) man and a woman to reproduce. They can of course simply choose not to, as everyone these days can decide.
The thing is about staying together beyond the simple reason of reproduction. And for some people, after they have kids it simply is better to live with a cat. For others in a human company, but not necessarily a romantic partner- a good friend who they can have adventures with. And for some it is a romantic partner.
The thing is that people should not be seen as unhappy just because they don’t have a romantic partner- this is the whole point.
Incorrect. By your logic, the next generation of reproduced offspring needs a sperm and an egg. However, sperm can be donated, so technically a woman wouldn’t need a man _in her life permanently_ for that, either.
Now, when it comes to the wider reading of ‘needs you’ which the post is very much about – all of the things said above are true. Women can earn a living, rent or own property, cook, clean, take care of themselves on their own. As can men. Neither really NEEDS the other EXCEPT for companionship, and yes, there are women who think a cat gives better companionship and a vibrator takes better care of their needs than a man, and that’s valid for a lot of men. They don’t listen, they don’t care, they don’t please – so why not a cat and a vibrator, if they’re better?
Men rely on women’s unpaid domestic and emotional labour, without that men are FORCED to have responsibility for themselves, which they don’t want. The prefer to trap a women to do all the heavy lifting and therapeutic for them so when women do the math and realise men are no prize, men throw a toddler tantrum coz they’re not getting what they want.
Women realise, they no longer need to buy an entire pig just to settle for a bit of less than mediocre sausage.
You can survive without reproducing. Plenty of people do.
I don’t have a pet, because by my math, the friends I have, and only see one weekend a month, at most, still rates higher than furry animal that shits in a box on the needed levels of companionship. So does a good book for that matter. If I were a woman however, I think cat would rate well above whatever that man-child in the initial convo is, or was.