Category: Articles
Things To Remember When You Move Out
This is a great list of things to remember when you move out. They may seem simple, but little things can be easy to forget,…
Human Have Exceptions
Today’s “humans are weird space orcs” post by torisfeather is about how humans have exceptions. Not only are humans weird, but they have exceptions that are…
What Hogwarts House Hagrid Was In
This is a fun Harry Potter fan theory post about what Hogwarts house Hagrid was in. It’s never actually stated in the book series: Source…
How To Make A Giant Squid Pillow
Build-a-DIY shared this awesome pattern and step-by-step instructions for how to make an epic 8-foot giant squid pillow! If anyone sews one please send us…
The Other Fantasy Races Have No Idea How Hobbits Work
LOL! This is true. No other fantasy race has any idea how hobbits work so they can just bullsh*t their way through literally anything! Source:…
Men and Porn
This is an interesting little thread about men and porn (#notallmen of course, lol). Their theory is that porn is distorting these men’s view of…
Human Litigation
Today’s “humans are weird space orcs” post by fuckyeahrevresbo is about aliens learning about human litigation: Source
OG Vader Was Space Rasputin
LOL! I find your lack of faith disturbing. This Star Wars post about the dude who Darth Vader force choked (Admiral Conan Antonio Motti) for…
What Should You Put In Your Bath?
This is an informative list of things you can put in your bath and what they do. These would make for some soothing, relaxing, and…
Human Petting Zoo
This is a cute little sci-fi post about an idea for a story that included a human petting zoo. Not a zoo where you go…