Category: Articles
The Death of the Third Place
amtrak-official got thinking about the death of the third place in American society because they looked up roller rinks in Philadelphia. The concept of the…
Object Personification
This is an interesting post about object personification and anthropomorphizing random objects. Here’s a link to the article it references: Object personification in autism: This…
Which Childhood Heroes are Monarchists
LOL! This is an amusing (and true) post about which of your childhood heroes are monarchists. The tragedy of growing up British and left wing…
Nonhuman Characters Not Understanding Human Needs
This is an amusing post about the trope of nonhuman characters not understanding human needs or customs but still being super supportive of their human…
Proof That Evolution Is Real
This is a great science post filled with lots of proof that evolution is real! Evolution is the process by which living organisms change over…
Gamma Gardening
Gamma Gardening, also known as Atomic Gardening, is a form of plant mutation breeding where plants or seeds are intentionally exposed to gamma radiation to…
Bruce Wayne’s Wealth
Bruce Wayne aka Batman‘s wealth is like plot armor. No matter what he does to spend it all he still has money. Bruce Wayne is…
Original Darth Maul Concept Art
OMG! This original concept art design for Darth Maul in Star Wars by Iain McCaig is so freaky! Not hot at all, unlike Darth Thot,…
Film Tropes
LOL! This is an amusing thread of people pretending they are experiencing popular film tropes and visual metaphors… Source
The Twilight Saga Is Diary Entries
The books in the Twilight Saga make 100% more sense if you realize that they are are verbatim reproductions of in-universe diary entries. These diaries…