Category: Articles
Ringo Starr Is a Dick
Apparently Ringo Starr, the drummer from The Beatles, is a dick. According to this story from catzgba he was super mean after The Beatles LOVE…
Playing Devil’s Advocate for the Sith – Are They Evil?
Are the Sith really evil? Redditor IHaveThatPower wrote this in response to a thread to play devil’s advocate in favor of the Sith from Star Wars…
Humans Are Weird – Cinema
Here’s more fun “humans are weird” content, this one is about aliens struggling to understand human cinema and media. Specifically why humans like to watch…
Lord of the Rings Random Facts Part 5
Here is part five of an epic series of interesting The Lord of the Rings random facts (that every fan should know)! Stay tuned as there will…
TIFU by Making My Boyfriend a Tinder Account
Whoops, this was a big f*ck up posted to r/TIFU (Today I F*cked Up). Although I suppose this woman actually dodged a bullet here with…
Kids Have No Concept of Anything
LOL! This is an amusing post with stories that perfectly illustrate how kids have absolutely no concept of anything: Source
Simple Ideas for Fantasy Worldbuilding Locations
OtherAtlas shares all kinds of awesome and helpful, yet simple worldbuilding ideas for sci-fi and fantasy (and more)! These ones include some great ideas for…
Pavlov Had It All Wrong – Dog Stories
lasrina posted this cute collection of stories about her two dogs and how they manipulate each other and their owner. Other commenters chimed in with…
The Legend of Me Boy
LOL, kids are wild! glumshoe told this crazy story from a friend which is also one of the weirdest camp stories I’ve ever heard! It’s…
Goblin Myths
Filibusterfrog creates great art and fantasy worldbuilding stuff! This post is about goblins and the myths surrounding them. And the artist also stated, “be nice to goblins or…