Celebs That Were Considered “Plus Size” in the 90s

Brianna Reyes posted this alarming list that reminds us of some of the female celebs that were considered “fat” or “plus size” in the 90s-early 00s. This is a clear reason why so many women struggle with body image.

Celebs That Were Considered “Plus Size” in the 90s

Raven Symone especially during her time on Disney Channel they really wanted us to believe that big boobs = obese and she was never that.

Celebs That Were Considered “Plus Size” in the 90s

Britney Spears at the 2007 VMAs where commentators referred to her as a “whale” and made remarks about her having “love handles” “muffin top” and said she was “spilling out of her outfit”.

Celebs That Were Considered “Plus Size” in the 90s

America Ferreira through out her literal entire career but ESPECIALLY on Ugly Betty when they so desperately wanted us to think she was fat AND ugly for not fitting societal beauty standards of being blonde and rail thin.

Celebs That Were Considered “Plus Size” in the 90s

Jennifer Love Hewitt made headlines in 2007 for being body shamed while on vacation.

Celebs That Were Considered “Plus Size” in the 90s

Kim Cattrall while filming Sex in the City & being compared to her castmates.

Martine McCutcheon in Love Actually.

Tyra Banks being called huge in her swimsuit & then later exposing the tabloids on Live TV for photoshopping her pictures to make her appear even larger than she actually was.

Nicole Richie especially while filming “The Simple Life” with best friend Paris Hilton was always referred to as “the fat one” and was even asked in an interview what it was like being a “voluptuous woman”.

Jessica Simpson when performing at an event in Florida where commentators called her “jumbo Jess”.

America Ferreira yes, again, because they tried to make it seem like a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE that they all fit into one pair of pants when they aren’t much different in size.

Kate Winslet during the release of the Titanic where fans expressed shock that the producers picked a “plus sized woman” for the lead.

Renee Zellweger during Bridget Jones Diary as the public constantly spoke on her weight fluctuating.

Jennifer Lawrence during the filming of the Hunger Games where producers told her she would be fired if she gained any weight and gave her pics of herself as motivation to lose weight.

Queen Latifah bc again, if your boobs were big so were you.

Source: Brianna Reyes

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