Ching Shih – From Prostitute to Pirate

Ching Shih, also known as Zheng Yi Sao, was a Chinese pirate queen who terrorized the seas during the early 19th century. She was born in Guangdong province, China, in 1775. She became a prostitute in Canton before marrying the notorious pirate captain, Zheng Yi.

After Zheng Yi’s death in 1807, Ching Shih assumed leadership of his fleet. She quickly became known for her formidable leadership skills and ruthless tactics. She commanded a fleet of several hundred ships and tens of thousands of pirates. Her power and influence extended across the South China Sea.

Under Ching Shih’s leadership, the pirates became known for their strict code of conduct. The code forbade looting from villages that were under their protection, and required that prisoners be treated humanely. Her reputation for fairness and the fear she instilled in her enemies made her a formidable opponent.

Ching Shih continued to lead her pirate fleet for years, evading attempts by the Chinese government and foreign powers to bring her to justice. Eventually, in 1810, she negotiated a pardon from the Chinese government, and retired with her fortune to live a peaceful life until her death in 1844.

Ching Shih’s legacy lives on as a symbol of female empowerment and leadership in China, and her story continues to inspire people around the world today. Here’s more info about this badass lady:

Ching Shih - From Prostitute to Pirate


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