DESIREE (RSA) posted this brave thread about coming out as an intersex woman. This goes very well with the Biologist Explains The Complexities of Biological Sex article we posted a few days ago. Again, it’s worth noting that biological sex and chromosomes aren’t as simple as many people who aren’t educated on the subject claim. It’s important to have these discussions so people can gain a better understanding.
Being intersex is also much more common than most people realize. It’s hard to know exactly how many people are intersex, but estimates suggest that about 1-2 in 100 people born in the United States are intersex. For perspective, that’s about the same rate as people who are redheads worldwide.

I applaud you for coming out. It is sad that it takes courage to do so, and that is a criticism of society. Being intersex or any other variation of transgender is something that occurs naturally and needs to be accepted as such.
As a cisgender advocate on behalf of my transgender friends, I hope that I can help educate people about this.