Common Events Can Turn Scary for Women Because of Creepy Men

SaraSuze posted this sad reminder about how common events we take for granted can turn into really scary and possibly even dangerous situations for women in no time. You can read hundreds of other women replying with their stories like this in the full thread on twitter. Most women have at least one similar story to this one and it shouldn’t be this way. But women are constantly assessing danger like this, as she mentions in her thread:

Common Events Can Turn Scary for Women Because of Creepy Men
Common Events Can Turn Scary for Women Because of Creepy Men
Common Events Can Turn Scary for Women Because of Creepy Men

Common Events Can Turn Scary for Women Because of Creepy Men
Common Events Can Turn Scary for Women Because of Creepy Men
Common Events Can Turn Scary for Women Because of Creepy Men

Common Events Can Turn Scary for Women Because of Creepy Men

Source: SaraSuze

(via: Geek Girls)

Have you ever experienced anything similar? Let us know in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “Common Events Can Turn Scary for Women Because of Creepy Men

  1. The whole story is garbage and wemon are more likely to initiate a sexual attack in this country they just never get charged

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