These “Computer Wizards” tell stories of a strange phenomenon where computer technology just works better in their presence. Computers are supposed to run on logic and physics, not spooky whim. But I 100% believe these guys because I suffer from the opposite phenomenon. If I get anywhere near a malfunctioning computer or really any piece of complex electronics they will get worse or just altogether freeze. Anyway, here are the stories of these computer wizards:

(via: reddit)
Are you a magical Computer Wizard? Have you ever experienced anything like this? let us know in the comments below!
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it’s called “technician syndrome”(atleast in swedish) and as a tech it’s annoying as all hell. sure, easy fix, just show up and it works, but really unsatisfying.
Happens all the time, and most of the time I didn’t do a damn thing but go over to the machine to look at the error message or whatever it was doing when it acted up.
I arrive at the persons cube/desk, and ask them to show me what they did to cause the problem before… works without issue. If it’s not that, it’s operator headspace.
I call it my magnetic personality, but I think it’s the reputation I have with the machines… sometimes I think I hear them whisper “Behave! He knows how to use the command line”.
I once fixed a game in the arcade I was working in (yes, yes, I’m ancient) by staring it in the CRT and telling it sternly “don’t make me get out the oscilloscope.”
I am this. My wife has notoriously bad luck with computers and will get the most bizarre errors. As soon as I approach the offending machine, it behaves as though nothing was ever wrong at all. I have also performed this function for my entire family, several friends, and multiple strangers.
I could’ve written that first one. At my two previous jobs, people came to me before calling the help desk – computer issue, printer issue, program issue, etc. Most of the time I could quickly figure out how to resolve the issue. Other times all I had to do was stand and watch as I asked them to show me what was going wrong… And suddenly it was all working fine. I’d joke that I’m a technomage.
I usually have terrible luck with computers, but a friend from work was trying to renew her license plate online, and when I came over to see what was giving her trouble, it magically started working. I was not allowed to step away for a few minutes while she finished what she was doing.