The Grand Order of Divine Sweets in Toronto, Ontario, Canada just came out with these awesome Star Trek cakes and cookies! The specialize in custom cakes, cookies, cupcakes & chocolates with a delightfully geeky twist! In addition to creating classic cakes and treats, they make creations for every genre enthusiast: be they science fiction, gaming, horror, anime, or just something a little different, these are the cakes that set them apart. Whatever your passion, The Grand Order can make every genre delicious. They have also made a life-size R2D2 cake and a wearable suit of chocolate armor! Here’s what they saida bout these Star Trek treats:
We’re Boldly going where no cake has gone before! We’re proud to say you can now order officially licensed Star Trek GOoDies! Pay homage to a favourite captain or snack on some Communicator Badge cookies while catching up on the latest season of Discovery. These are the desserts of the Starship GOoDS

Source: Grand Order of Divine Sweets